Chantaspring (Swedish) Single yellow bells; Medium green, pointed. Miniature trailer.
You can view this one on Youtube at
Chantaspring (Swedish) Petite clochette simple jaune, feuillage very moyen pointue. rampamte miniature.
Vous pouvez visionner celle ci sur Youtube ici
Here is a little story that I have received from a friend on the Chantaspring background.
Apparently the little plant was first noticed on a nursury bench in Norfolk, England amidst plants that had come from Holland, it was obviously a sport. The plant was sent back to the Dutch nursery who propagted and proved it. They gave the name "Chantaspring" and sent it back to Norfolk. A whole series of miniatures were produced and all names started with "Chanta" ... The little plant made it to America when cuttings were sent between trading friends and has since then became very popular.